Realistic Voyage to the Stars
Real funds for real scientists who have an astounding vision.
How thrilling that this is DARPA and NASA behind this project. Astounding!
"Last year Mr. Millis calculated that it would be at least 200 years before society had the energy resources to send 500 people out of the solar system."
"Scientific probes could go sooner and cheaper. Professor Dyson recently pointed out that soon all the genetic information needed to reconstruct Earth's biosphere could be packed into something the size of an egg. Dispersed through space to different planets, such eggs could create homes-away-from-home waiting for us. 'The new technology will be biological,' he said. 'It will make everything else obsolete.'"
"A lot of us are quite young. We grew up hearing about the Apollo program," he said. "We want to be part of a significant journey. We personally think we may be doing something important, driving humanity out to the stars." He quoted Arthur C. Clarke, the late writer of science fact and fiction who invented the idea of communications satellites and helped found the British Interplanetary Society: "If you believe something is possible, you can make it happen."
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